Ego in simple definition is the “idea of separation”.
Advaita (Oneness) is Reality. One consciousness appears as many. It’s the same entity in all bodies with varying degree of experiences.

Similarly same consciousness “I AM” sits in each body and gathers experiences. Default programming for gathering experiences is assuming duality, separation between entities and program is then allowed to run on auto pilot to see where it goes. Kind of a big simulation.
Same consciousness assumes duality to participate in the game of life. However, current human consciousness (program) is inflicted by the ego virus so bad that the program will most likely self-destroy. Unnatural beliefs, ideas like religion/nationality and system of living has come up in this human game simulation. Idea of separation in human consciousness has led to a complex, chaotic way of life.
All thinking born of this idea of separation is a body-protection mechanism.
Most of the world’s sorrow seem to be because of this ego conditioning perpetuating indefinitely.
Few entities happen to realize the truth and a journey of cleaning up the consciousness of this ego virus begins. Cleanup is currently in progress, seems like a gradual process.
Staying away from human game helps in faster cleanup.
Thorough cleanup may lead to Enlightenment or back to Natural state.