My basic understanding of Double slit experiment and Quantum Physics combined seems to be pointing to the idea of Consciousness creating reality. Everything is in a state of flux (electro-magnetic field) until the act of Observation happens.
Nisargadatta Maharaj always pointed towards this feeling of I AM that precedes the state of experiencing. I AM in each body is a focal point of observation/experiences.
Let’s examine the states of experiencing more closely
- Currently you are reading this blog. Let’s say this state of experiencing be our normal waking State. So we go through many of these normal waking states (days) in our life. Mind has created concept of Time in this realm. Current Human experience last for about avg 80 years.
- There is an intermediate resting state that mostly all beings go through, i.e, going to sleep…usually every night. There is an intermediate night dream before we go to deep sleep.
So, we have three states of EXPERIENCING in transition
1. Day experience state (waking dream)
2. Night dream or Sleep dream
3. Deep sleep which is total rest with no experiencing. Self’s feeling of I AM is suspended during deep sleep state.
I AM is the primary subject(Observer) of each state of experiencing. It then fills up itself with Time/space/ objects… implying all of the observable attributes (Time/Space/Objects) are this I AM consciousness itself.
The 2 states of experiencing, i.e, series of waking day experiencing and night dreams; are due to consciousness appearing on our real Self.
Third state deep sleep seems similar to Self’s original state prior to consciousness arrival .
So, these cycles of I AM consciousness appearing and retreating are experienced. This should seems to true for all entities throughout the universe. State of consciousness shall determine the level of experiencing.
I think this pretty much sums up the Observer is the Observed idea. The I AM consciousness being both the subject and the object of experiencing.
Self is independent of these states of experiencing and is a mere witness.