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Favorite Quotes – Part 2

“Suffering just means you’re having a bad dream. Happiness means you’re having a good dream. Enlightenment means getting out of the dream altogether.” –  Jed McKenna As long as we imagine ourselves to be separate personalities, one quite apart from other, we cannot grasp reality which is essentially impersonal. First we must know ourselves as witnesses […]

Maze of the Mind

Individual Human Mind is a microcosm of the totality of Human Consciousness. Totality of Human Consciousness being the content which is result of past conditioning and has given rise to human society in it’s current form. At the surface, we see different person. However, each person being operated by a particular Individual Mind is born […]


Mind is the agent of duality. It fills the I AM consciousness with imagined objects supported by it’s conditioned concept of duality. It’s a self-triggered machine, that gains momentum and keeps up this mental projection mechanism. All of the activities, goals, relationship are the output of the past conditioning of Individual Mind. Mind fuels itself […]

States of MIND

Starting Note *** Consciousness Alone is. Individual Mind is a particular state of conditioning of this One Consciousness. So what we have is, One consciousness (I AM) hallucinating as innumerable distinct possibilities. Each current state of hallucinating, i.e Mind, may be categorized in similar lines to what we have with States of Matter . Solid […]

Ego Virus

Ego in simple definition is the “idea of separation”. Advaita (Oneness) is Reality. One consciousness appears as many. It’s the same entity in all bodies with varying degree of experiences. Similarly same consciousness “I AM” sits in each body and gathers experiences. Default programming for gathering experiences is assuming duality, separation between entities and program […]

Human Ego ( A tiny little nothing bugger)

Whats the Ego?? How does it originate?? How does it perpetuate?? What’s the mischief? What’s this constant Mind’s complaining ?? Human ego.. Is it even relevant?? Y many of the spiritual exercises focus on dissolving the ego? Putting these questions here for we will try touching on these points later. For now, sharing this interesting […]