Individual Human Mind is a microcosm of the totality of Human Consciousness. Totality of Human Consciousness being the content which is result of past conditioning and has given rise to human society in it’s current form.
At the surface, we see different person. However, each person being operated by a particular Individual Mind is born of this totality of Human Consciousness.
Appearances vary, but underlying program driving the entity is same. Seven deadly sins seems to be the current programming qualities of ego behavior. These 7 attributes have been highlighted in many various religious teaching and is the default nature of every Individual Human Mind (no exception). Each Individual Mind operating with varying degree of the above attributes.
Ego, i.e, separate Human Entity/Mind operates within this template and keeps up the game of duality going.
Mind’s current state of conditioning makes it project holographic scenes which is referred as Life. A series of event on the screen of consciousness. Every objects, characters are visualizations projected basis of current conditioning of the Consciousness (Human Mind) similar to projections we see in our night dream.
New experiences add to the current conditioning which creates new series of projections keeping the feedback loop going. Similar projections since last memory makes us believe it’s one continuous stream of projections. In actuality, it is series of disconnected, independent NOW moments.
Nearly everyone is operating in this auto-pilot mode, no questions asked of what’s going on? This ignorance is the reason for the trauma and drama we see all-over.
Very few are led to the questioning phase, whereby current beliefs and programming is put to test.
This phase is quite challenging. For, Mind is the only medium in the beginning that has to understand it’s current ignorance. Mind won’t easily give up the old beliefs. The more fight goes on, it further strengthens the Mind projections. All exercises, practices, systems, groups, studying is merely adding to the Mind. Mind tricks are many and it can keep one into this game of practices and led astray in this so called search.
Mind workings need to be understood and than let it Go, let it unravel of it’s past beliefs.
Dispassionate attention and allowing the Mind to throw all it’s accumulated beliefs/garbage without adding more is the Key.
It’s indeed a battlefield, where you initially go through the fight. Later, you step out and watch it fighting itself without providing it more fuel. Eventually I think, Mind finally settles down and Self comes to fore.
I understand why, it’s a rare occurrence. It’s loosing of all projections which is you, and revert back to non-doing, no projection state. Seems very few of the very few who got started in the search eventually comes out of the maze of their own Mind. I am not yet to the Final conclusion, if there is any… Journey continues.
Good Luck fellas in your journey!!!!