We have come across many ideas shared in scientific and spiritual community which concludes Time to be an illusion, Reality to be an illusion and contexts on similar lines. Last few days, I have been ruminating on this idea. Things are clearer now as what is going on here. Let’s see if we can define […]
Human Ego ( A tiny little nothing bugger)
Whats the Ego?? How does it originate?? How does it perpetuate?? What’s the mischief? What’s this constant Mind’s complaining ?? Human ego.. Is it even relevant?? Y many of the spiritual exercises focus on dissolving the ego? Putting these questions here for we will try touching on these points later. For now, sharing this interesting […]
Unity playing Duality
Is it All One?? Is there a person?? What’s this person?? What does Non-Duality mean?? How does One appear as Many, if it’s all one ??
Whats this all about??
Returning back to true state?? Whats the current state?? What IS?? What appears?? Are you living a false life?? What’s illusion?? What remains post the false is discarded?? Is it possible to discard the false?? Is it gradual process or one big sweep?? Ahhh the mystery. Mystery IS.