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Mind is the agent of duality. It fills the I AM consciousness with imagined objects supported by it’s conditioned concept of duality.

It’s a self-triggered machine, that gains momentum and keeps up this mental projection mechanism. All of the activities, goals, relationship are the output of the past conditioning of Individual Mind.

Mind fuels itself through constant thoughts and projections, thereby, keeping the dream going.

Individual Mind activates the body and control all action. In my understanding, death of a particular body doesn’t stop the Mind flow. A particular Mind, which is a particular state of conditioning basis upon past beliefs attaches itself to a new body. In a sense, Mind does re-incarnate it just switches to a new body continuing it’s experiencing structure.

Spiritual journey would be understanding and seeing this nature of Mind through and through. And this observation reverses the Mind process. The process reverses and might stop eventually.

What is left is original state prior to experiencing process started.

R.I.P – ideal definition would be death of Mind and it’s experiencing mechanism.
